
"Gas for Guns" Event

On Saturday, June 11th, 2011, the Waterloo Police Department in cooperation with Jim Lind Shell Service Station, will be hosting its first “Gas for Guns” event. This event will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the parking lot to the south of Waterloo Fire Station #1, at the corner of Mulberry St. and East 3rd St.

This event is a community-oriented program that is being sponsored by Jim Lind Shell Service Station. Firearms can be traded in for Jim Lind Shell Service Station gift cards. This local business has donated $5000 to be used for this program. The event will take place for the duration of the listed times, or until the gift cards run out.

Waterloo Police Officers will facilitate the event, but firearms will be received on a “No Questions Asked” basis. All firearms, muzzle-loaders, air-guns, and ammunition will be accepted. However, only functioning handguns, rifles, and shotguns will be eligible for the gift card exchange.

Citizens who trade in a functioning handgun will receive a gift card worth $150. Citizens who trade in a functioning rifle or shotgun will receive a gift card worth $100.

Please see the Citizen Procedures and Exclusions listed below.

If you have questions regarding this event, please contact Sgt. Rob C. Camarata at 319-291-4340 ext. 3218.

Citizen Procedures

Citizens desiring to drop off a firearm are asked to go to the event location on the specified date and time and follow the procedures set forth below:

 In Car/Truck:

 Have the firearm and any ammunition that you wish to dispose of in the trunk of your car. If you are in a truck, have the firearm and any information in a sealed and closed container (bag, back-pack, box, etc).

  1. Upon arrival at the exchange location, advise the officer that you would like to dispose of a firearm. Open the trunk in the presence of the officer and allow the officer to remove the firearm and any ammunition from the trunk. If you are in a truck, advise the officer that you would like to dispose of the firearm and ammunition that is in your sealed container. Provide the container to the officer.
  2. You will be given a numbered ticket for your firearm.
  3. Stay in your vehicle. Another officer will return with the appropriate level of gift cards and any container that you provided, after the firearm has been properly made safe by a firearms technician and classified for the appropriate exchange.
  4. When your exchange has been completed, drive away from the exchange location so that other vehicles can be assisted.



 Have the weapon and any ammunition that you wish to dispose of in a sealed and closed container (bag, back-pack, box, etc).

  1. Upon arrival at the exchange location, advise the officer that you would like to dispose of the firearm and ammunition that is in your sealed container. Provide the container to the officer.
  2. The officer will give you a numbered ticket and take the container to a firearm technician to secure and classify for the appropriate exchange level while you are asked to wait in a designated waiting area.
  3. Stay in the designated waiting area until another officer returns with the appropriate gift cards and your container.
  4. When your exchange has been completed, please leave the exchange location so that other persons can be assisted.


 The exchange will be anonymous. At no time at the exchange location will any law enforcement officer ask a citizen to provide any identification or other information concerning how they came to be in possession of the firearm or ammunition. This program is designed to allow citizens to dispose of firearms without fear of charges for illegal possession.


 The program is expected to operate for no more than 4 hours, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. and will end at each location when gift cards have been exhausted and all citizens wishing to dispose of firearms and ammunition without receiving a gift card have been served.


 The program is designed to assist non-commercial private citizens who wish to dispose of unsecured firearms and ammunition. Persons seeking to exchange firearms for profit or other commercial purposes are excluded from participating in this program. Anyone seeking to exchange more than 2 firearms will be presumed to have a commercial interest and may be excluded from the program.

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Press Release Contacts

Public Information Officer 
Captain Jason Feaker
Investigations Division 

Waterloo Police Department
715 Mulberry Street
Waterloo, Iowa 50703

After 4 p.m. and on Weekends,
Please contact the On-Duty
Watch Commander at 319-291-4340 option 2